Oll Arddangosfeydd Sgyrsiau Concerts Gweithdai Theatr Arall
Arddangosfa Haf 2024

Arddangosfa Haf 2024

Detholiad o waith gan 100 o artistiaid. Agoriad swyddogol 4 - 6yp, Gorffennaf 17eg.


Yr holl waith ar gael i'w prynu ar-lein - https://oriel-plas-glyn-y-wedd...

Bedwyr Williams - Tyrrau Mawr & Artist Hŷn

Bedwyr Williams - Tyrrau Mawr & Artist Hŷn

Agorir gan Brif Weithredwr Amgueddfa Cymru, Jane Richardson ar ddydd Sadwrn, Gorffennaf 20ed, 2024 am 4.30yh.

Mae’n bleser cael cyflwyno gwaith yr artist rhyngwladol enwog Bedwyr Williams.

Mae ei ffilm, Tyrrau Mawr ar fenthyg o’r Casgliad Cenedlaethol yn Amgueddfa Cymru fel rhan o gynllun newydd oriel gelf genedlaethol Cymru. Nôd y cynllun ydi rhannu gwaith o’r Casgliad Cenedlaethol ar draws Cymru trwy eu cyflwyno mewn orielau sy’n bartneriaid. Mae casgliad o baentiadau a darluniau o’i waith diweddar, ‘Artist Hŷn’ hefyd yn cael eu harddangos, mew cydweithrediad ag Oriel Phillida Reid, Llundain. https://www.phillidareid.com/

delwedd: Tyrrau Mawr (manylun)

Darllen mwy
Illyria: The Adventures of Doctor Dolittle

Illyria: The Adventures of Doctor Dolittle

28+29/7/24 - 7pm

Doctor Dolittle leads a simple life as the village doctor in sleepy Puddleby-On-The-Marsh. He often undercharges his patients, or even treats them for free, so he is terribly poor. But one day, with the help of his wise old parrot Polynesia, he makes an extraordinary discovery: that he can talk to animals.

As news of his talent as an animal doctor spreads, animals across the world send messages asking for his help. So he borrows a leaky old ship and embarks on a thrilling quest to cure illness, spread kindness, and better understand animals everywhere. He is joined on his adventures by a loyal animal crew: Jip (a dog), Chee-Chee (a monkey), Dab Dab (a duck), and Gub Gub (an ever-hungry, cake-loving pig) – who together may even help him fix his money problems once and for all!

Hugh Lofting’s timeless classic celebrates the power of empathy and inspires audiences young and old to see the world through the eyes of animals. This funny, exciting new family musical is performed with flair and wit by Illyria in the great outdoors.

Running time (approx): 1hr 50min (inc 20 minute interval)
Suitable for ages
5+ (younger children also welcome).

Seats available to hire; hot and cold drinks available.

Only assistance dogs are permitted. Venue is wheelchair accessible.


Illyria: The Adventures of Doctor Dolittle

Gweithdai Plant - Eleri Jones - 31/7 + 7/8

Gweithdai Plant - Eleri Jones - 31/7 + 7/8

Creu plat argraffu o hunan portread mewn 4 arddull wahanol er mwyn cyfleu elfennau wahanol o eich personoliaeth.

10:30am-12pm - 4-7 oed - £4

1:30pm-3:30pm - 8+ oed - £5


Gweithdai Plant - Eleri Jones - 31/7 + 7/8

Sesiwn Lles a Ioga Awyr Agored i Blant - 1+8/8

Sesiwn Lles a Ioga Awyr Agored i Blant - 1+8/8

Dewch i ymuno Emma o Llifo'n Llawen am sesiwn ioga yng nghanol byd natur yn theatr awyr agored, Plas Glyn y Weddw. Bydd cyfle i blant ymarfer technegau ymlacio, anadlu ac ymestyn a chymryd rhan mewn gweithgareddau meddwlgarwch.

11-12 (4-7 oed)

1-2:30 (8+ oed)


Sesiwn Lles a Ioga Awyr Agored i Blant

Illyria: Romeo and Juliet

Illyria: Romeo and Juliet

6/8/24 - 7pm

Two wealthy families, the Montagues and the Capulets, are at war. Their feud has been long and bitter. But when Romeo, Montague’s son, gatecrashes Capulet’s party in disguise, everything changes. There he meets Juliet, Capulet’s daughter, and the pair fall into an intense, forbidden love that sets in motion a chain of events leading to a devastating conclusion.

From a secret rendezvous in a moonlit garden to a fateful duel under the scorching Verona sun, Shakespeare masterfully explores the enduring power of love, revenge and fate in one of his best-loved stories. But the surprising thing about this iconic tragedy is that it’s extremely funny too!

Performed by Illyria in the great outdoors, this fast-paced, polished, beautifully spoken production has been created using only the First Folio text, the most authoritative edition of Shakespeare’s plays. Illyria first performed this terrific play more than two decades ago to critical acclaim worldwide. This summer it returns for a third time: passionate, poetic, and utterly gripping!

Running time (approx): 2hrs 20min (inc 20 minute interval)
Suitable for all ages.

Seats available to hire; hot and cold drinks available.

Only assistance dogs are permitted. Venue is wheelchair accessible.


Illyria: Romeo and Juliet

Dafydd ap: Straeon y Mabinogi

Dafydd ap: Straeon y Mabinogi

Ymunwch a'r bardd a’r rapiwr, Dafydd ap, wrth iddo geisio ffeindio’i ffordd o Aberystwyth i Went i gyfarfod ei noddwr hael, Ifor.

Ar hyd y ffordd, mae’n cael ei rwystro gan Wylan, gan y Gwynt, a chan Bioden. Maent yn rhannu rhai o straeon y Mabinogion ymhlith ei gilydd, a daw’r plant i ddysgu am stori Pwyll a Rhiannon, Branwen, a Blodeuwedd. Sioe liwgar ddychmygus, rhyngweithiol ag adloniadol.

Perfformiad yn Gymraeg am 1.30yp. Digwyddiad am ddim - rhaid archebu lle isod.

Archebwch le

Dafydd ap: Straeon y Mabinogi

Dafydd ap: The Mabinogion Stories

Dafydd ap: The Mabinogion Stories

Join the bard and rapper, Dafydd ap, a he tries to find his way from Aberystwyth to Gwent to meet his generous sponsor, Ifor.

On his way, he’s slowed down by a Seagull, by the Wind, and by a Magpie. They share some of the stories found in the Mabinogion amongst themselves, giving the audience the chance to learn about Pwyll and Rhiannon, Branwen and Blodeuwedd. A colourful, inventive and entertaining show that will spark your imagination!

English performance @ 3pm. Free Event - please reserve a space below.

Reserve a place

Dafydd ap: The Mabinogion Stories

Gweithdai Plant Nerys Jones - 14+15/8

Gweithdai Plant Nerys Jones - 14+15/8

Creu anifeiliaid bach yr ardd allan o papier mache.

10.30-12pm - 4-7 oed - £4

1.30-3.30pm - 8+ oed - £5


Gweithdai Plant Nerys Jones - 14+15/8

Llywelyn ein Llyw Olaf

Llywelyn ein Llyw Olaf

Llywelyn ap Gruffudd, Ŵyr Llywelyn Fawr, Tywysog Gwynedd, Arglwydd Eryri, Tywysog Cymru Bur, Llywelyn eich Llyw Olaf a gafodd ei dwyllo a’i lofruddio ar yr 11eg o Ragfyr, yn yr oerfel ar Bont Orewin ger Llanfair ym Muallt yn y flwyddyn 1282. Cafodd ei ladd dan orchymyn Brenin Lloegr, Edward y Cyntaf. Ond doedd ei ladd yn unig ddim yn ddigon... torrwyd ei ben i ffwrdd.

Ers colli ei ben, dros saith can mlynedd yn ôl, mae Llywelyn braidd yn bôrd heb yr holl wleidydda a'r brwydro, felly mae'n mynd ati i arlunio, gan adrodd ei stori, a stori Tywysogaeth Cymru, drwy rannu ei ddarluniau gwych (yn ôl Llywelyn!).

Cyflwyno hanes Cymru gyda hwyl a chyffro.

Cefnogir gan gynllun Noson Allan, Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru.

Perfformiad yn Gymraeg am 1.30yp. Digwyddiad am ddim - rhaid archebu lle isod.

Archebwch le

Llywelyn ein Llyw Olaf

Llywelyn, Last Prince of Wales ?

Llywelyn, Last Prince of Wales ?

Llywelyn ap Gruffudd, the grandson of Llywelyn the Great, Prince of Gwynedd, Lord of Snowdon, Prince of Pura Walia, Tywysog Cymru. Llywelyn the Last, Llywelyn ein Llyw Olaf who was cheated and murdered on the 11th of December in the cold frost on Pont Orewin near Builth Wells in the year 1282. He was killed on the command of Edward the 1st, the King of England. But killing him wasn’t enough …they cut off his head.

It happened over 700 years ago and so he’s had a lot of spare time on his hands since then. He’s been quite bored without all the politics and the fighting. To pass the time, he’s been drawing, and today he’s going to tell his story by using his wonderfully funny works of art.

Presenting Welsh history with fun and excitement.

English performance @ 3pm. Free Event - please reserve a space below.

Reserve a place

Llywelyn, Last Prince of Wales ?

Gweithdai Plant - Tess Urbanska - 21+22/8

Gweithdai Plant - Tess Urbanska - 21+22/8

10.30-12pm - 4-7 oed - Creu hudlathau glöywod byw

1.30-3.30pm - 8+ oed - Gweithdy collage


Gweithdai Plant - Tess Urbanska - 21+22/8

Cofiwch Dryweryn

Cofiwch Dryweryn

Beth yw pris dŵr? Darganfyddwch drwy glywed hanes dirdynnol boddi Cwm Tryweryn.

Ysgol fach, llawn bwrlwm, gyda plant bendigedig, oedd Ysgol Celyn ym mhentre’ Capel Celyn. Martha Roberts oedd y Brifathrawes wnaeth gloi drws yr ysgol am y tro olaf ym mis Gorffennaf 1963.

Yng nghwmni Martha fe glywn ni'r stori am y daith o Gwm Celyn i Lerpwl; am y peiriannu mawr wnaeth chwalu waliau’r ysgol, ac am ymdrechion dewr y trigolion lleol. Ond er taw ofer fu’r ymdrech, daw gobaith ar ddiwedd y sioe wrth i Martha annog y plant i ddal yn dynn yn y stori, yn union fel wnaeth hi ddal ei gafael ar oriad Ysgol Celyn.

Sioe un actor, rhyngweithiol i blant a theuluoedd.

Cefnogir gan gynllun Noson Allan, Cyngor Celfyddydau Cymru.

Perfformiad yn Gymraeg am 1.30yp. Digwyddiad am ddim - rhaid archebu lle isod.

Archebwch le

Cofiwch Dryweryn

Remember Tryweryn

Remember Tryweryn

What’s the cost of water? Learn the harrowing story of the drowning of the Tryweryn Valley.

Ysgol Celyn, in the hamlet of Capel Celyn, was a small lively school, with wonderful pupils. However, in July 1963, Martha Roberts, the school’s Headteacher, locked the school door for the last time.

Martha will tell the story about the journey from the Tryweryn Valley to Liverpool; about the large machinery that shattered the walls of the school, and about the courageous efforts of local residents to save their homes. And although their efforts to save Capel Celyn were futile, hope comes at the end of the show as Martha encourages the audience to hold on tight to the story, just as she held on to the key of the school’s door.

An interactive one person show aimed at children and a family audience.

English performance @ 3pm. Free Event - please reserve a space below.

Reserve a place

Remember Tryweryn