All A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P R S T U W Y


Nia is a Cardiff-based artist who grew up in the Pembrokeshire countryside. As a full-time professional painter, she focuses on landscapes, still lifes, and interiors, capturing the subtle interactions of light, colour, and atmosphere in her work. Nia spends her days painting scenes from everyday life, capturing the essence of familiar landscapes and objects through fresh, instinctive mark-making. She often works en plein air, using oils on small panels; these outdoor studies sometimes serve as the foundation for larger studio pieces, allowing her to expand upon the immediacy of her initial impressions.
Nia is an associate member of the Royal Institute of Oil Painters and has earned several awards throughout her career. Her work has been featured in exhibitions by the New English Art Club, the Royal West Academy, Wales Contemporary, and The Artist magazine's Open Exhibition.

Artist Statement

"My work is driven by a fascination with light and colour, whether I'm painting landscapes, still lifes, or interiors. I often paint from life, especially en plein air, as I enjoy the fluid and vibrant results that often arise when working out in nature. I draw inspiration from the world around me—simple, everyday scenes that might otherwise go unnoticed. I strive to capture the essence of a scene with immediacy and spontaneity in a way that feels authentic and direct."

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