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Born in Coventry in 1962, Sarah settled in Carmarthenshire where she gained a BA in Fine Art followed by an MA with Distinction. She is now Course Leader for Level 1 Art and Design at Carmarthen School of Art whilst continuing to paint and exhibit. She was Joint Prizewinner of the

Fishguard Arts Society Open in 2018 and Highly Commended in the Oriel Bevan Jones Open in the spring of 2019.

Sarah currently shows work in numerous galleries in England and Wales and has paintings in various private collections.

With a keen interest in wildlife and the natural world it is no surprise that her latest body of work focuses on the countryside, particularly in relation to the visual language of trees and hedgerows. She captures the rhythm and dynamism of nature in her paintings whilst they also posses an other-worldly dreamlike feel.

Click to see Sarah's work